Nakajima Ki-27 Nate 1/72 PRINT SCALE PrS72521
Nakajima Ki-27 Nate 1/72 PRINT SCALE PrS72521
1. Ki 27b of Taii Kenji Shimada, commander of 1. Chutai 11. Sentai, Nomonhan, June of 1939.
2. Ki-27b No. 16 from 1 Chutai 246. Sentai, Kakogawa, Japan, January of 1943. Probably Gunso Goro Komuro flown this plane.
3. Ki-27b No. 13 from 1. Chutai 64. Sentai, Nomonhan, Summer of 1939. Socho Hiroshi Sekiguchi flown this plane.
4. Ki-27b Training Unit, Manchuria.
5. Ki-27a from 2. Chutai 59. Sentai, Manchuria, 1939. Black katakana Ta marking. Socho Katsutaro Takahashi flown this plane. Plane has dismounted cockpit shield.
6. Ki-27b from 1. Chitai 85. Sentai, Manchuria, 1942.
7. Ki-27b 76th Shimbu-tai, Chiran, Kagoshima, on April 28th, 1945.
8. Ki-27b, 1. Chutai 64, Sentai, Nomonhan, Summer 1939, Socho Hiroshi Sekiguchi.
9. Ki-27b-Kai, Manchukuo Air Force Manchukuo, 1942. Overall lJAAF green -grey. Note missing wheel spats.
10. Ki-27b No.12 from 8. Kyoiku Hikotai, 1944.
11. Ki-27 Otsu flown by 246th Sentai Commander, Major Takeo Miyamoto, Kakogawa AB/Hyogo Prefecture in December 1942.